Phuket Information
Emergency Phone Number, Travel Guide and Others


Business Hours - 9am to 5pm on the weekdays, and 9am to 12 noon on Saturdays, except Public Holidays when hours may vary. Outlets and local stores operate daily from 9 am to 10pm

Banking hours - Monday to Friday 8.30am to 3.30pm. Some branches in shopping centers, are open as late as 7-8pm and on everyday. Most currency exchange kiosks are usually open 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. 24 hours ATMs are available around Phuket Island, you can use all international banking cards. Money can also be exchanged at hotels boots, although rates are more expensive than the bank.

Currency is the Thai Baht, 1 Baht = 100 Satangs. Check out our handy Currency Converter for more update.

Electricity - 220 Volts. Several kind of plugs and sockets are acceptable, common used is two pin flat (US type) or round (European type). Adapters can be purchased at local stores.

Thailand's Public Holiday
January 1 - New Year’s Day
February (full moon day) - Makka Bucha
April 6 - Chakri Day
April 13 - 15 Songkran, Thai New Year
May 1 - Labour Day
May 5 - Coronation Day
May 7 ?Royal Ploughing Ceremony
May (full moon day) - Visakha Bucha
July (full moon day) - Asanha Bucha commemorates the first sermon of Buddha
August 12 - Queen’s Birthday
October 23 - Chulalongkorn Day
December 5 - King’s Birthday
December 10 - Constitution Day
December 31 - New Year’s Eve

Embassies in Bangkok
Austria: 02 287 3970 Korea: 02 319 1442-3
Australia: 02 287 2680 Malaysia: 02 679 2190
Belgium: 02 679 5454 Myanmar: 02 233 2237
Brazil: 02 679 8567-8 New Zealand: 02 254 2530
Cambodia: 02 254 6630 Norway: 02 204 6500
Canada 02 636 0540 Russia: 02 268 1169
China: 02 245 7032 Singapore: 02 286 2111
Denmark: 02 213 2021-5 Spain: 02 252 6112
Finland: 02 256 9306 Sweden: 02 302 0360
France: 02 266 8250 Switzerland: 02 253 0156
Germany: 02 287 9000 Taiwan: 02 251 9274-6
Greece: 02 679 1462 United Kingdom: 02 305 8333
Israel: 02 260 4854-9 USA: 02 205 4000
Italy: 02 285 4090 Vietnam: 02 251 7201
Japan: 02 252 6151

Consulates in Phuket

Austria: 076 248 334
Denmark: 076 221 159-60
Finland: 076 215 585
France: 076 391 152
Germany 076 354 119
Italy: 076 381 792
Norway: 076 230 130
Sweden: 076 327 006


Credit card fraud increases dramatically in Thailand. Always keep your cards safe and only use them at reputable establishments. Reporting a lost or stolen credit card, call:

American Express - 02 273 0022-44
Master Card - 02 299 1990-2
Visa - 02 299 1990-29.

Tourist Police
Most Tourist Police officers can speak English and professional enough to deal with foreigners. You can always ask for Phuket Information. If you have to contact the police for several reasons (We hope not to), call them up on 1155 or regular police hotline on 191.


  Andamanda Travel
32/4 Tepkrasatree Rd. Maung Phuket Thailand 83000
  Tel +66-8767-27266  Fax +66-76-212595
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